iShares Cup coming to Sandown?
That's right you did read the title correctly. With Cowes almost ruled out now due to issues with the marquees, the cup is still looking to the Island to hold a round of the prestigious event.
The UK leg of the cup is due to take place on the 1st to 3rd of August which coincides with Cowes Week just as it did last year and became part of that event.
IF Sandown were to be used it would give it a much needed cash injection to the area especially with the loss of White Air this year. I'm unsure of how the logistics of the sailing would work but I'm sure from a spectator's point of view it would be fantastic looking across the bay. New and old businesses in the Sandown area would undoubtedly profit from such an event. You may also see a better spread of person traffic on the Island too as Cowes Week tends to become a very over crowded affair.
As a placement for the event I could see it working as you do have Sandown train station and Bembridge Airport in close proximity for spectators and entrants alike.